In Filter Treeherder jobs by test or manifest path I describe the feature. In this post I will explain how it came about.
I want to highlight the process between a conversation and a deployed feature. Many times, it is an unseen part of the development process that can be useful for contributors and junior developers who are trying to grow as developers.
Back in the Fall of 2019 I started inquiring into developers’ satisfaction with Treeherder. This is one of the reasons I used to go to the office once in a while. One of these casual face-to-face conversations led to this feature. Mike Conley explained to me how he would look through various logs to find a test path that had failed on another platform (see referenced post for further details).
After I understood the idea, I tried to determine what options we had to implement it. I wrote a Google Doc with various alternative implementations and with information about what pieces were needed for a prototype. I requested feedback from various co-workers to help discover blind spots in my plans.
Once I had some feedback from immediate co-workers, I made my idea available in a Google group (increasing the circle of people giving feedback). I described my intent to implement the idea and was curious to see if anyone else was already working on it or had better ideas on how to implement it. I did this to raise awareness in larger circles, reduce duplicate efforts and learn from prior work.
I also filed a bug to drive further technical discussions and for interested parties to follow up on the work. Fortunately, around the same time Andrew Halberstadt started working on defining explicitly what manifests each task executes before the tasks are scheduled (see bug). This is a major component to make the whole feature on Treeherder functional. In some cases, talking enough about the need can enlist others from their domains of expertise to help with your project.
At the end of 2019 I had time to work on it. Once I endlessly navigated through Treeherder’s code for a few days, I decided that I wanted to see a working prototype. This would validate its value and determine if all the technichal issues had been ironed out. In a couple of days I had a working prototype. Most of the code could be copy/pasted into Treeherder once I found the correct module to make changes in.
Finally, in January the feature landed. There were some small bugs and other follow up enhancements later on.
Stumbling upon this feature was great because on H1 we started looking at changing our CI’s scheduling to use manifests for scheduling instead of tasks and this feature lines up well with it.